Project materials

In addition to the educational activities carried out for Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary school students, disconnected activities, i.e., educational activities that do not involve the use of the robot but are closely related to the concept of robotics, have been created.

There are three disconnected activities and they can be carried out with all classes from Kindergarten to Secondary:

  1. Robot ID Card
  2. Robot Scenarios
  3. Construction of a paper humanoid robot

Every single material is opensource and usable by anyone interested in conducting the activities.

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ID card

In this activity, students will be able to draw a robot, filling in the fields that will define its identity, within an appropriately designed card.

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Robot Scenarios

The activity involves students identifying possible applications of humanoid robots in different contexts and scenarios. For example, students will be asked to specify on special cards what they would like a robot to do in a school setting or in a hospital.

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Paper robots

In this activity, students will build a paper humanoid robot by cutting and pasting the robot model.

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