

European project dedicated to the creation of teaching materials for the inclusive use of humanoid robotics in school for students aged 3 to 10 – co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + program


The European project Au(toma)tism aims to create educational activities dedicated to the education and inclusion of students aged 3 to 10 in primary and kindergarten through the use of humanoid robots.

The teaching activities will enable the teacher to work with the whole class and especially students with special needs on skills:

  • Relational – Working on all skills that relate to how to communicate and connect with others

  • Logic and mathematics – required to complete each individual task, improve through coding and educational robotics; thanks to the instructional activities, students will be able to learn the basics of thinking critically and applying math with the concept of “Problem Solving

  • Social – is psychological, relational, and communicative competence; it means a set of skills established and used spontaneously and continuously by the student to initiate, sustain, and manage an interaction in pairs or groups

  • Narrative – ability to think in the form of a narrative, that is, the ability to tell in a clear and structured manner an actual event that has happened or an imagined story. It also includes the ability to tell personal stories and events in a group context

  • Emotive – competence based on emotional intelligence; influences openness, curiosity about new experiences, ability to perceive connections and discover their meanings

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“What is a robot? We could briefly and comprehensively define it as an artificial object that resembles a human being.”

Isaac Asimov


There are 3 project partners from Italy and Romania:

  • Italy: Second Comprehensive Institute and Scuola di Robotica

About Us

The European project Au(toma)tism aims to create educational activities dedicated to the education and inclusion of students aged 3 to 10 in primary and preschool through the use of humanoid robots.

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